With the service Web Analytics in SharePoint 2010 you can either see statistics reports in Central Administration or retreive information from it to display on your pages. There is one big drawback. The statistics are updated only once a day, and this cannot be changed anywhere in Central Administration. To check what the current settings of your Web Analytics service application, use the following Power Shell command:
PS> Get-SpWebAnalyticsServiceApplication -identity "web analytics service application"
By default the start time of the report consolidation is "Daily at 02:00". It is possible to change the time when the update is made with the following Power Shell command:
PS> Set-SpWebAnalyticsServiceApplication -identity "web analytics service application" -ReportConsolidationStartTime 12
This will change the start time of the report consolidation to "Daily at 12:00". Note that the number, 12 in my example, must be an integer value between 1 and 23. I haven't tried this myself yet, but this should mean that in theory you could write a Power Shell script, or something, that runs every half hour and pushes the start time forward one hour. This should force the report consolidation to run every hour instead of once each day. But to get up to one hour old statistics is usually not good enough, but it's the best you can do with the Web Analytics service. Too bad.
Yet another day in SharePoint paradise...
HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint can get reports as soon as needed. By default, report data is updating hourly, but you can reduce the interval even to one minute. Helps to track advertising campaigns and evaluate behavior of users practically in real time.